

It’s the Law: Alabama Boating

Jan 18, 2019 | Allen A. Ritchie

Boat Accident-Mobile

There is a lot of water around Mobile. We like to get on it, in it and under it. So why is something that gives us so much joy causing so much grief?

I help injured people, and here is the news that might shock you: Alabama is predicted to have the most boating deaths in 20 years. My business is on the upswing, but I would trade it all to not see the pain this tragedy brings to local families.

From my experience, the number one way to stay safe is don’t drink and boat. I know, it is hot, and the beer is cold; but really, I would say 80% of the cases I see involve alcohol. My non-drinking friends are sometimes shocked that there is a real legal term called BUI – boating under the influence. It is that common.

This past year, a boat driver smashed into one of the large concrete pylons that hold up the I-10 bridge. Two people died and a third was paralyzed. This happened in broad daylight, and reportedly alcohol was involved. If found guilty, the driver of that boat will face jail time, financial devastation and a lifetime of guilt. All of it was preventable.

Focus for a moment on that paralyzed passenger. Think just what that person must go through — literally years of painful rehab and perhaps not ever truly recover. Checkout financerr.co.uk for loan help. My type of law gets money for people like that to get better. I see first-hand the pain they endure.

One last thing, kids hear a lot about drinking and driving, but take some time, before the summer months, to talk with the younger members of your family about drinking and boating. You may not be required by law to do it … but you should anyway.

If you are hurt in a boating or traffic accident, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Also join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30 right after the news. We will take your calls live.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
