

Termite Untruth: They Only Attack in Summer

Sep 8, 2023 | Allen A. Ritchie | 0 comments

Allen's Answers - Termite Damage


We deal with the problems of termite infestation and protection policies all year long. Just because you think summer is ending does not mean your bug problem has vanished.

Here is the truth. Yes, termites are most active in the spring and summer. However, that does not stop these pests from eating your house all year. They can still be active and cause significant damage.

My strong advice is now that the weather is getting a little more bearable, check your house for termites. The Mobile area has one of the nation’s worst termite problems.

Our years of experience have found a few other things you need to know.

  • Brick homes are not immune from termites. Sure, termites won’t eat the brick … but most homes have a lot of wood just behind the brick exterior.
  • A concrete slab does not mean zero termites. In fact, a slab house can promote termites by collecting water, which the termites need.
  • There is not just one type of termite. Spend some time learning the habits of the most common varieties in our area. You will be surprised.

If you have a termite protection policy and find termites, something is likely wrong with the treatment. We have found companies that charge for protection but never actually treat houses. We have also seen companies that reduce chemicals to save money and not kill all the bugs.

If you suffer from termites or any other accident – car, boat, on-the-job, slip and fall, nursing home abuse, etc. – you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie (251) 666-1212. Remember that it is free. We want to help you.

Join us on Sunday night for a shortened NBC 15 LawCall show here in Mobile. We are taking a break during football season but will return to our 30-minute show in January. All this fall, we are putting aside a few extra hours Monday mornings to answer any of your legal questions. Just call our office.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
