

Alabama Danger: Big Rigs Stopped on Ramps

Oct 13, 2023 | Allen A. Ritchie | 0 comments

Allen's Answers - Big rigs parked on interstate off ramps.


Pick your danger. Neither is good. Do you want big semi-trucks parked just off the road, or do you want sleepy drivers hopefully making it to their destination?

Here is the real problem. According to a national truckers safety group, there is only 1 parking space for every 11 big rig trucks on the road.

One truck driver says he doesn’t want to sleep on the side of the road, but he often has no choice. Also, he explained that we see so many trucks in one spot because the truckers feel there is safety in numbers.

For car drivers, the problem is often maneuvering through the row of trucks. One car driver died after hitting the back of a semi parked on the side of a ramp. The truck had just turned off its lights. An observer said it was like driving into a brick wall. In another case, a motorcycle rider was turning onto an interstate ramp and was frightened by the tall vehicles on both sides of the road. He lost control of his cycle, slamming into one of the big rigs.

I often get the question: In Alabama, is big rig parking illegal on the side of the road? Well, there are restrictions, but if followed, parking is legal.

Now, parking on the interstate is illegal, but the argument is that the ramps are not on the highway. They are leading to the interstate. Also, various Alabama cities have restrictions.

With many of us wanting more stuff, this is a national problem with no immediate solution.

Here is my number one tip to keep you safe: Go slowly when you turn onto an interstate ramp. Many people want to speed up to get to that 70-mph traffic flow. Make sure the ramp is clear before you do.

If you suffer from an accident – car, boat, on-the-job, slip and fall, nursing home abuse, etc. – you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie (251) 666-1212. Remember that it is free. We want to help you.

Join us on Sunday night for a shortened NBC 15 LawCall show here in Mobile. We are taking a break during football season but will return to our 30-minute show in January. All this fall, we have been putting aside a few extra hours on Monday mornings to answer any of your legal questions. Just call our office.


Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
