

Alabama Termites: Bug People and Your Cash

May 3, 2024 | Allen A. Ritchie, Firm News, Termite Damage | 0 comments

The fight is on here on the Gulf Coast. First, you fight the termites and then the termite protection company. You must wonder, what did you buy protection for?

Let me explain a little about what is going on and what you can do. My advice is to first get a lawyer who is from here, someone who understands what we go through … every year.

Here is a little lawyer-splaining. You probably have a termite bond. That is a contract between you (the homeowner) and the pest control company. This contract explains what the company is supposed to do, which often includes regular inspection, treatment, and REPAIRS. Here comes the problem. They do not want to make those repairs, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Here in Alabama, we have seen termite protection companies commit fraud to avoid having to pay.

Note: this bond is not traditional homeowners’ insurance. It is usually a separate policy.

If you are infested with termites, you want to get things fixed and the bills paid. From my experience, that will not be easy. It is why I say, “See bugs, see a lawyer.”

In the past, we have seen the termite folk argue everything from “you bought the wrong type of bond” to “the damage was preexisting.” In short, all kinds of excuses.

This fact might shock you, but the situation got so bad that even the State of Alabama stepped in to make these companies do what they had been charging homeowners for.

Let me say again – “See bugs, see a lawyer.”

If you suffer from termite damage or are injured in any other personal injury, such as a traffic accident, on-the-job injury, nursing home neglect incident, slip-and-fall, or boating accident, you can talk to us at the law firm of Steele Ritchie for free. We genuinely want to help. We are local attorneys with decades of experience helping people, especially in the southwest Mobile area. Give us a call at (251) 666-1212.

Allen Ritchie
Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
