

Crash. Report or drive away? Do you know the Alabama law?

Oct 11, 2024 | FAQ | 0 comments

Question:  My sister hit a guy’s car on Government Street here in Mobile. She gave him her number and then left. Has she broken the law?

JASON: She may not have been required to call the police. But she should have.

In Alabama, you don’t have to call 911 if the car crash only results in property damage. However, you MUST contact the police if there is any injury or, heaven forbid, death. Leaving the scene after an injury without notifying police can get you a hit-and-run charge. That could mean jail time.

My advice is to call 911 and request help. The people responding are trained professionals who know what to do. Chances are that you are rattled by the accident and may not be thinking as clearly as you normally would. Let the professionals do their job.

Also, an accident report can help establish the facts that you may need later.

Let me give you a typical example like the ones I see every day at my law firm. As you will see, the real problem is not about breaking the law but rather getting paid. Here goes.

Since there was just modest damage to the cars, the two motorists agreed not to call the police. My client was not in severe pain and thought she would just go on to work. Later, she developed severe pain in her neck and debilitating headaches. Note: In whiplash and other soft tissue injuries, it is not uncommon for patients to develop these symptoms days later. Now comes the major problem. She did not have any direct proof that the crash caused the injuries. The insurance company said they owed her nothing since the pain and headaches could have been from anything. They even questioned if an accident happened.

Bottomline. An accident report and medical records are solid evidence after a wreck. It is good to have both.

We help people who are hurt in all types of accidents. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us. The call will cost you nothing. We are proud to be called “the lawyers near me” in and around Tillmans Corner.

Jason Steele

Personal Injury Attorney in Mobile, AL

Talk to me for free at (251) 666-1212.
