

AL Accident: Dash Cam for Dollars

Apr 21, 2023 | Allen A. Ritchie, Personal Injury | 0 comments

Allen's Answers - Dash cams and car accidents


Do you have a dash cam in your car? If so, it could mean cash in your pocket if an accident occurs.

First, you need to know this. You will be involved in an accident sometime in your driving life. In fact, it is worse than that. Statistically, this will happen 3 to 4 times in your driving life.

Enter the dash cam. This little device can help in so many areas. For you, the biggest benefits may be proof of the accident and why the insurance company should pay the claim.

Here are some things a dash cam can do:

  • Show and record who did what before, during, and after the accident.
  • Document weather conditions that could impact your case.
  • Help in identifying any hit-and-run drivers.
  • Greatly speed up the insurance company’s investigation.

That last item should especially interest you. The footage is like the investigator is right there when the accident happens. So, there is less need to interview witnesses and rely on police reports. In theory, you get your money faster.

Right now, dash cams are generally an after-market addition. But soon, I think, it will be a standard accessory on most cars. The reason — it can cut down on false insurance claims, so the insurance companies will probably put a lot of pressure on manufacturers to include it. I would not be surprised if in the future you would get a discount if you had one.

Now I must warn you that the evidence works both ways. If you are at fault, the dash cam can show that too, and in Alabama, if you are even 1% at fault, you will not collect anything from the other driver.

For me, it is worth it. As personal technology improves, I see more and more danger on the road. For example, texting and driving is increasing the number of accident cases here at the firm. I do not see that getting any better.

If you are hurt in a traffic accident or suffer any other personal injury, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie (251) 666-1212 for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Also, join us for NBC 15 LawCall, our legal call-in TV show, here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30, right after the news. We will take your calls live.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama personal injury lawyer
