

2024: New Year, New Alabama Laws

Dec 29, 2023 | Allen A. Ritchie | 0 comments

New Alabama Laws in 2024

Behave badly in a boat? You now have a better chance of seeing the inside of an Alabama jail.

Boating Changes

Starting January 1, our state will treat boating incidents more like car and truck accidents. Here is an example: reckless boating, which was a misdemeanor, is now a boating violation. That change means tickets cost more, and jail time can be included. Increased penalties are also included for having a child under 8 on board without a life jacket and boating without a safety certification.

My strong legal advice … check the new law before you put your boat in the water this year. I expect the new laws will mean more vigorous enforcement.

Overtime Changes

Now, this is a little tough to understand, and I am not a tax lawyer, but here goes. The state of Alabama will not charge state income tax on overtime. I am told it should save hourly workers who do work past 40 hours a week about 5%. I am trying to imagine how employers will keep up with this.

Adoption Changes

Our state adoption laws have not changed in about 30 years. Starting in 2024, adopting a child should be easier and quicker. The significant change is separating child adoption from the process of appointing a guardian for an adult. The new law also opens communication between the different court systems.

New Specialty License Plates

If you want to pay for a license plate to help a good cause, there will be several new ones this year. For example, helping veterans of recent conflicts, brain cancer research, and emergency medical service providers.

Doggie Dining Still Rocks

I am happy to report the dogs allowed in outdoor seating at Alabama restaurants is still on the books. Woof.

If you suffer from an accident – car, boat, on-the-job, slip and fall, nursing home abuse, etc. – you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie (251) 666-1212. Remember that it is free. We want to help you.

Join us on Sunday night for a shortened NBC 15 LawCall show here in Mobile. We are taking a break during football season but will return to our 30-minute show later in January. All this season, we have been putting aside a few extra hours on Monday mornings to answer any of your legal questions. Just call our office.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
