Auto insurance rates are increasing dramatically. Here is what you need to do — get uninsured motorist coverage now. This insurance is specially designed to cover YOU from the driver with little or no coverage.
Here is my thinking. As insurance goes up, fewer people will get it. Already in our state, an estimated 20% of Alabama drivers do not have the state-required minimum. So, who pays if you get hit? Well, your insurance pays …if you bought uninsured motorist coverage.
A recent report from Bankrate shows insurance companies will increase your bill by roughly 26% this year. This increase puts the average cost in Alabama at around $2,200 a year. Though this amount is below the national average of approximately $2,500, I predict it will not stay there for long. Why? Our neighboring state of Florida has a 2024 average rate of about $4,000.
What is the reason for the sizeable increase? Severe weather damage, increased cost of repairs, and some observers say urban vandalism, which translates to auto theft and carjacking. These are not likely to change.
Uninsured/underinsured motorist covers can help solve another auto insurance problem in our state. The required minimum amounts in Alabama are way too little if you get seriously hurt.
Please don’t rely on others to protect you or pay their fair share. Protect yourself with good, solid insurance, no matter the cost. You will be so glad you did if you need it.
Let me add that uninsured motorist coverage is some of the least expensive insurance available.
If you are injured in a traffic accident or suffer any other personal injury like an on-the-job injury, nursing home neglect incident, slip, and fall, or boating accident, you can talk to us at the law firm of Steele Ritchie for free. We genuinely want to help. We are local attorneys with decades of experience helping people, especially in the southwest Mobile area. Give us a call at (251) 666-1212.
Allen Ritchie
Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer