

The 4th in Mobile: Pet Panic

Jun 28, 2024 | Allen A. Ritchie | 0 comments

This may shock you. It makes sense, but it is still shocking: More pets are lost during the 4th of July holiday than at any other time of the year.

The problem (I believe): Fido does not like fireworks.

I have two pieces of advice and a little bit on the law. First the law, Alabama considers your pet a piece of property—no more than your patio furniture. Do not expect the state to rally the citizenry to find Fluffy, Bruno, or SubWOOFer. Now, the advice: if you are going somewhere, plan to keep sturdy control of your pet. They will probably be afraid and may attempt to run away. If you leave your pet at home, make sure they are secure. Dogs primarily have been known to be so frightened by the loud booms that they break through doors and escape into the neighborhood, woods, and other counties.

A few other things about this holiday.

About every year at this time, I caution you about fireworks safety. Be smart, and don’t let the kids light them.

Plus, I caution you about those drivers (many younger drivers) on Mobile area roads who are distracted by phones showing TikTok videos or messages from friends. Watch out for them because they are not watching out for you.

That leaves me with this final thought: don’t drink and drive. I recently saw a sign that read, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” It’s cute, but I can tell you firsthand the tragedy that one night of overindulgence can create. Just don’t drink and get behind the wheel. Across our great country, an estimated 500 people will be killed in traffic accidents over this long holiday period. Several hundred will be from drunk drivers. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Have a wonderful, fun-filled 4th of July. And send some good thoughts to the founding fathers. They really did give us a great place to live.

If you are injured in a traffic accident, on-the-job injury, nursing home neglect incident, slip-and-fall, boating accident, or other personal injury, you can talk to us at the law firm of Steele Ritchie for free. We genuinely want to help. We are local attorneys with decades of experience helping people, especially in the southwest Mobile area. Give us a call at (251) 666-1212.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
