

Wrecks in Mobile as Kids Get to School

Aug 16, 2024 | FAQ | 0 comments

Question – Getting kids to school seems to be more dangerous this year. Any advice?

JASON: Something is going on. I do see more drivers failing to adjust their driving with the opening of school. Fortunately, I have not seen an increase in child-related accident cases coming into our law office, but it is probably a matter of time.

As far as advice, here are some points you may want to consider:

Honking Frightens Children

My number one suggestion is to assume that the child is never in the wrong. Here is an example of something that is very unsafe. When a child is present, don’t honk your horn at an intersection, even if you have the right of way. Assume the child will cross. You need to slow down or stop and be a good adult. Children are just getting used to the new school routine, so be watchful.

Dropoff Safely

If you drop off a child at school, don’t load or unload from across the street. Yes, it may be a bit more inconvenient, but unload your passengers as close to the building as possible. Plus, don’t double park at the school. It blocks the visibility of other vehicles and of the children.

Bike Are Back

I have seen more children on bicycles this year. Remember, these are kids and are unpredictable. The number one cause of bike accidents that we see here in West Mobile is when the driver is turning left. Think about it. The driver has to check 2 lanes of traffic and often thinks the biker on his right is going to stay there. My strong advice is that whenever a child is at any intersection, let them pass first before you move your vehicle.

Car wrecks in and around Mobile and Baldwin Counties seem to be on the increase. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us. The call will cost you nothing. We are proud to be referred to as the lawyers near me in and around Tillmans Corner.

Jason Steele

Personal Injury Attorney in Mobile, AL


Talk to me for free at (251) 666-1212.
