Members of the Mobile County Communications District 911 Center along with the staff of the Law Firm of Eiland & Ritchie ready to celebrate 911 operators.
If you are in trouble, they literally can save your life. It is time to celebrate the men and women who are answering your emergency calls to 911.
7 days a week, 24 hours a day, every day, including holidays, they are there getting help to people. It is a grueling job. Can you imagine what they have had to listen to?
I spent some time this week with the dedicated folk at the Mobile County Communications District 911 Center. It is National Public Safety Telecommunications Week from April 11-15, and we dropped off a few things as gifts to add our thank you to the celebration.
For you, let me use this week to focus on one of the most common questions I get about calling 911 – Should I call the police if I am in a traffic accident?
Well, here is the Alabama law. You are required to report any accident in which someone is hurt or if damage exceeds $250. That does not mean you need to dial 911. You can report the accident by calling the non-emergency number in your area.
Now, this might surprise you, but the 911 operators I spoke with say that if you are in an accident and unsure about what to do, they suggest you call them and let them help you decide.
Here are some reasons you may want to call:
• People are shaken after an accident and may not be thinking clearly. The operators are trained to evaluate your situation.
• Not all injuries are easy to spot.
• Fire is often a concern, especially when fuel is involved.
• Traffic problems caused by the accident can require police action to keep you and other drivers safe.
If you know a 911 operator, say thanks this coming week. Their sacrifice can so easily go unacknowledged.
If you are hurt in a traffic accident or suffer any other personal injury, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie (251) 666-1212 for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.
Also, join us for NBC 15 LawCall, our legal call-in TV show, here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30, right after the news. We will take your calls live.
Allen Ritchie
Alabama personal injury lawyer