

Aretha’s Will Left in Couch. Who’s Zoomin’ Who?

Jul 19, 2023 | Allen A. Ritchie | 0 comments

Allen's Answers - Estate Planning


Last week I told you about getting your will in order and putting it in several places where people can find it.

Now comes word that the great Aretha Franklin did not take any of my advice, and five years after her death, they have found a handwritten will in the cushions of her couch. A Michigan jury has said that it is the legitimate will.

Among the changes from an older will is that the son who had been working as executor was crossed out of the new will, and another son’s name was handwritten in. Also, only one son and his children will inherit Franklin’s house, valued at over 1 million dollars. Like in the older will, the siblings will share equally in Franklin’s music rights.

It is hard to believe that someone as successful would leave things so confused.

So again, here is my advice so you do not do the same.

  • Have a lawyer do your will and any changes you make to it.
  • Keep copies in several places and tell people where they are.
  • Don’t die without a will. Someone is going to get your stuff. It might as well be the people you want.

One family member said they knew the document was legit since Aretha signed her name on the will with a smiley face.

If you suffer from any personal injury accident – car, boat, on-the-job, slip and fall, nursing home abuse, etc. – you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie (251) 666-1212 for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Plus, join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30, right after the news. We’ll have some legal information you can use. Plus, we specifically set aside a few hours on Monday morning to answer any questions you may have in real-time. Just call our office.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
