

New Law – New Vet Benefit

Nov 10, 2023 | Allen A. Ritchie | 0 comments

Veteran's Benefits


If you know a veteran exposed to toxic chemicals, make sure they know about a new law.

It is called the PACT Act, and it expands benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. The president signed the legislation about a year ago, but surprisingly, not all veterans and their families know of the help being offered.

Generations of veterans injured by toxic chemicals can now get added help — including cash. Here is an example: in some cases, veterans who are rated 100 percent disabled for injuries sustained during their military service can receive more than $4,000 a month. Also, this money and other benefits can extend to the veteran’s family.

There is a lot in the new law. It is perhaps the largest healthcare and benefit expansion in VA history. Contact the VA for more information.

On this Veterans Day, let me remind you to share information about the toxic drinking water at Camp Lejeune. For years, I have been a strong advocate for veterans and their families who have been injured there. Call our office if you need more info.

I would also like to encourage your support of the Honor Flight program. This is where veterans are taken to Washington, D.C., to see the monuments a grateful nation has erected in their honor. I joined a flight that took my father and other veterans to see the WWII Memorial. It was one of the most moving experiences of my life.

During this holiday, I hope you will tell a veteran that you appreciate their sacrifices. It is why you can live in this great country. Let me add just a note to the families of the veterans. Thank you. Your sacrifice is just as greatly appreciated.

If you suffer from an accident – car, boat, on-the-job, slip and fall, nursing home abuse, etc. – you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie (251) 666-1212. Remember that it is free. We want to help you.

Join us on Sunday night for a shortened NBC 15 LawCall show here in Mobile. We are taking a break during football season but will return to our 30-minute show in January. All this fall, we have been putting aside a few extra hours on Monday mornings to answer any of your legal questions. Just call our office.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
