This case is just too much fun. Yes, a judge must decide if history and tradition make a Mexican meal or if the ingredients make it Mexican. The result could cost someone thousands of dollars. So, if you were the judge, how would you rule? Here are a few more...
In Alabama, we take protecting our pets seriously. If someone purposefully hurts your dog or cat, that person can face both civil (having to pay money) and criminal (having to do jail time) punishment. Now the bad news. Though you might see Fluffy and Booboo as...
If a family member dies because of another person's action, it can be a hard fight to collect money in Alabama. Here is the reason. In Alabama, you can NOT sue for what a person would have earned and other future losses like the cost of helping to raise the...
Join us live on Sunday, January 16, 2022. Football season is over (Hey, there is always next year.), and it is time to return to our 30-minute legal call-in format for NBC 15 LawCall, here in Mobile, AL. As it has been for roughly a decade, the show is on at 10:30...
You may be talking about more than the pandemic in 2022. It is an election year in Alabama, and our state could see significant changes. Here are some possible highlights: Gambling We could have a lottery. Well, at least you may see it on the ballot this fall....
You may be talking about more than the pandemic in 2022. It is an election year in Alabama, and our state could see significant changes. Here are some possible highlights: Gambling We could have a lottery. Well, at least you may see it on the ballot this fall....
Play it smart this New Year’s Eve. You know better than to drink and drive, but our state is also experiencing increased motor vehicle deaths and injuries because of such things as texting and driving. Despite a number of people staying home because of the...
Be very cautious as you drive during this Christmas and New Year holiday. It could be a very dangerous time on the highway. Statistics are in for the first half of this year, and more than 20,000 people lost their lives on America’s roads. The U.S. government...
What is it about people wanting to put lights on their vehicles at Christmas? Every year, some good ol' boy decides his truck needs to look like a Christmas tree and asks me if it's legal. The answer is the same … every year …. No. The reason is safety. Now,...
The pandemic has kept many visitors away from nursing homes. So this December will be the first time many Alabamians have seen their loved ones. Here is my strong advice: check for signs of nursing home abuse when you go. It has been my experience that most...