

FAQs with Attorney Jason Steele – Mobile, Alabama

Snow and Insurance in Mobile

Question: Snow damage and insurance in Mobile, AL. Now what? JASON: Never filed for snow damage? Well, neither have many of your neighbors here in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. The first thing to know is that snow damage coverage is like any other disaster coverage…...

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Falling in a store and Alabama law.

Question: If I fall at a business, they pay. Right? JASON: That's a fantasy, but under very specific conditions, you can collect. And, in turn, help others. Getting hurt at a place of business is a complicated type of injury. Here is why: You must prove the company...

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Your Alabama Accident Report Might Be Wrong

Question: The police report indicates I was at fault in a wreck. Is my case over?  JASON: Just because the police report states you are at fault doesn't necessarily mean that's the whole story. We frequently challenge police reports. Remember, the officer did not...

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Thanksgiving Safety from a South Alabama Lawyer

Question:  Thanksgiving and fires. Is that a real thing? JASON:  Thanksgiving is becoming a hotbed for blazes. See what I did there. Now, I don't want to make light of this, but home fires around this time of year have even gotten the attention of the American Red...

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