Question: Snow damage and insurance in Mobile, AL. Now what? JASON: Never filed for snow damage? Well, neither have many of your neighbors here in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. The first thing to know is that snow damage coverage is like any other disaster coverage…...
Question: If I fall at a business, they pay. Right? JASON: That's a fantasy, but under very specific conditions, you can collect. And, in turn, help others. Getting hurt at a place of business is a complicated type of injury. Here is why: You must prove the company...
Question: Porch pirates seem to be on the increase in Mobile. What does the law say? JASON: You may like 2025, as Alabama considers a very strong penalty for people who steal things delivered to your front door. Say 20 years in prison!!! And that is not just any...
Question: The police report indicates I was at fault in a wreck. Is my case over? JASON: Just because the police report states you are at fault doesn't necessarily mean that's the whole story. We frequently challenge police reports. Remember, the officer did not...
Question: Thanksgiving and fires. Is that a real thing? JASON: Thanksgiving is becoming a hotbed for blazes. See what I did there. Now, I don't want to make light of this, but home fires around this time of year have even gotten the attention of the American Red...
Question: I am very proud of my brother's 20+ years in the military. He is now going to retire and move back to the Mobile area. What does Alabama do for veterans? JASON: We are very pro-military here in South Alabama. Plus, the state has done quite a lot to provide a...
Question: My grandson is coming to spend Halloween week with me. It's been 40 years since I took a little one out for trick or treat. Any legal changes over that time? JASON: Halloween is one of my favorite holidays – especially shared with a young child. But...
Question: My sister hit a guy's car on Government Street here in Mobile. She gave him her number and then left. Has she broken the law? JASON: She may not have been required to call the police. But she should have. In Alabama, you don't have to call 911 if the car...
Question: If my kid is hurt playing football, what can I do under Alabama law? JASON: Alabama loves its football. OK, that's not the most shocking statement I have ever made. But here is what might surprise you. Alabama is at the forefront of protecting children in...
Question: You know Alabama insurance companies. Which insurance should I get? JASON: Here is the irony. The insurance company that is most important to you is usually not the one you send payments to. The real question is: What insurance company does the person who...