You might think that the 4th of July holiday would see burns from fireworks. And it does. But you want to know the number one cause of Independence Day burns? It is your backyard grill. And you want to know the number one item that contributes to burns? It is...
The horrific collapse of a beachfront condo in Florida has many in the Mobile area wondering about the legal aspects of such a tragedy. From my years of personal injury law experience, here is what I suspect will happen. First, there will be lots of...
What happens when your car collides with livestock in our state? You might think that the farmer’s insurance will kick in. But that would be wrong. In Alabama, if you hit a bull (or cow, or donkey, or any livestock), you cannot sue the farmer unless he or she...
Get ready to dine with a dachshund. Maybe lunch with a labrador? Coming August 1, it will be legal in Alabama to take your dog to a restaurant. There will be some restrictions, including you and the dog must eat outside. Also, no dogs are allowed in chairs or...
If you have to ride, it seems that you just have to ride. With the temperature up, I wanted to mention a few Alabama motorcycle laws in the hope of keeping you safe. First, you must wear a helmet in our state. It is not only the legal thing to do, but it is...
Ever seen a trucker with a handheld phone? That trucker is breaking the law and putting your life in danger. According to the federal government, the texting driver of an 18-wheeler is taking his or her eyes off the road and traveling the length of a football...
After an accident, there are two rules in dealing with insurance companies. First – Don’t give a statement to the insurance company. Second - DON’T GIVE A STATEMENT TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY. That is a variation on an old Mel Brooks joke, but it is true … don’t...
If you are making a left-hand turn in Alabama, you are at the bottom of the who gets to move list. Generally, state law says no traffic can be coming, no pedestrian can be trying to cross the street, and there cannot be any signs restricting the turn. Put that...
Alabamians are driving less, but there are more deaths on the road. How can that be? Distracted driving may be to blame. Accident researchers say drivers are seeing fewer cars on the road and may feel they can text or check their phones more safely. They...
Maybe because it is time for the Masters Golf Tournament or that people know Tiger Wood is alive and recovering, but the number one question I got this week was -- who is paying for Tiger's borrowed and smashed SUV? Well, here is how it goes in Alabama if you...