

Alabama, Termites and the Law

Jul 12, 2019 | Allen A. Ritchie


Termites are a real problem in Mobile, AL, and surrounding areas. In fact, Terminix, the pest control company, has named Mobile as the number 1 termite infested city in the country. It is easy to see why so many of us buy termite protection.

Here is the problem that some of your neighbors are facing. When termites are discovered, the termite protection company doesn’t want to pay. The companies are using a lot of different excuses, but Alabama law says if it promised to protect you, it must pay to get you back to where you were before the termites attacked.

Here are some of the excuses I have heard from termite companies:

  • The company is not responsible for repairs.
  • The homeowner has the wrong type of contract with the company.
  • No living termites were found.
  • Moisture, not termites, is the cause of the damage.
  • The contract only covers a certain type of termite (which of course is not the kind that attacked your house).

Here is another major problem we have found. Some pest companies are reducing the chemicals they use to treat area homes as a cost savings. This leaves those homes open to termite damage — despite the homeowners having paid for pest service.

In the United States, more than half a million homes will suffer termite damage this year, and it will cost an estimated $5 billion in damage and repairs. You can see why the bug companies will fight so hard to deny your claim.

My advice:  if you find termites, one of your first calls should be to a lawyer.

If you suffer from termite damage or suffer a personal injury, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Also join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30 right after the news. We will take your calls live.

Allen Ritchie
