

How Important Is Seeing a Doctor After a Wreck?

Jul 22, 2019 | Allen A. Ritchie

Ticking Clock

Your injury case needs medical proof. You just saying you are in pain is not as strong as an emergency room report.

It has been my experience that a medically trained specialist has more impact on a jury or an insurance adjustor than a family physician. However, I have used all forms of medical records from many different medical professionals to support a client’s claim of pain and suffering. It is not uncommon to interview chiropractors, pharmacists, therapist, dentists, home health workers and nurses.

To support your claim, it is not only when you sought medical help but also the length of treatment. If you do what the doctor says, for as long as he or she says, it can go a long way to increasing the money you will receive.

In Alabama here are some general rules and advice that can impact how much money you will receive. There are exceptions but not many.

  • In an injury case, you only have 2 years to file a lawsuit.
  • If there is no injury, there is no case. That someone did something wrong is not enough in a personal injury lawsuit.
  • Passengers in a car cannot generally sue the driver.
  • Even if you are only 1% a fault, you can not collect. This is true in only a few states – Alabama is one.

This may shock you, but some insurance companies have an actual formula that will figure what your accident is worth. One of the factors is how quickly you sought medical care.

If you suffer a personal injury, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Also join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30 right after the news. We will take your calls live.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama personal injury lawyer
