

School Buses, Alabama & the Law

Aug 20, 2019 | Allen A. Ritchie

Courtesy: k12 alabama

Here is a good rule to follow: stop when a school bus stops. There are some exceptions, but generally cars on both sides of the street must stop when a school bus is loading or unloading.

If you think that is too much, let me tell you about our neighbors. Last year on the same day, a 9-year-old boy was killed in Mississippi while crossing the street to get to a school bus and a kindergarten student in Florida was hit when a driver, going in the opposite direction from the bus, failed to stop.

It is such a problem that Alabama has passed a stop-arm camera law. It is now legal for cities and counties in our state to photograph drivers who pass a stopped school bus and issue the drivers tickets.

In short, here is the Alabama law. On a two-lane street, motorists in both directions must stop when a school bus is stopped, and the stop-signal arm is extended and flashing red lights. Both sides must stay stopped until the signal is retracted, and the lights turned off.

Drivers must also stop on a 4 or 6 lane UNDIVIDED highway.

Now you don’t have to stop on a DIVIDED highway with 4 or more lanes. But, and trust in my experience of helping accident victims, I highly suggest you slow down and pay a lot of attention. You simply do not want to be the person who hits a child.

Here is to an educational and safe school year.

If you or your child suffer a personal injury or have trouble with an insurance company, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Also join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30 right after the news. We will take your calls live.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama personal injury lawyer
