

When Tragedy Hits

Dec 7, 2019 | Allen A. Ritchie


The tragedy of the Pensacola shooting will touch us all. How could it not?

For decades, I have seen what the horrible news of a tragedy does to those remaining — both those directly touched by the incident and those sympathetic to the tragedy.

Here is a little of what I have learned.

·         Do not be afraid to talk about the tragedy. So many of the men and women I have helped say that good meaning friends actually isolate the grieving. Don’t make your friends have to wait to talk with a lawyer to express their feelings.

·         Fear of possible tragic outcomes can make you inactive. Seek professional help if you feel overwhelmed. Therapy, whether through a counselor, minister or other professional, can help.

·         If the tragedy that touched you requires legal action, don’t wait. Every state has time limitations on your action.

Let me also suggest you turn to our friends at NBC15. They often have a comprehensive list of helping organizations when everything from a shooting to a weather disaster hits our community.

Though the Pensacola shooting happened in Florida, you can contact us here at Eiland & Ritchie in Mobile or our friends at the Mobile Bar Association for help. We know a lot of great Florida folk. You can talk to us both for free.

Our TV show, NBC15 LawCall, returns after the first of the year. During the show we can take your legal questions live.

My God bless you and yours in this season and always.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Attorney

