Formosan Termites Ctsy: pestworld.org
Termite claims in and around Mobile, AL, can teach you a lot. First, the bug companies don’t always treat the bugs, and second, the bug companies don’t always treat the customer … right.
According to Terminix, Mobile is the number one most termite-infested metro area in 2019. It is likely to be that way in 2020. That means you will probably need protection.
Here is the bottom line for Mobile and the surrounding areas. We have found that some pest control companies are not doing the things they promise and then not paying out when the bugs eat your house.
Here is how it works. Through testimony, some companies have admitted to using inferior chemicals to reduce costs. That’s reduced costs to them, not to you. And this may shock you, some companies are billing homeowners but not treating the homes at all.
Here is just one example. A pest control company was ordered to pay more than 2 million dollars for defrauding the owners of a historic house in south Alabama. In nearly 40 years, the company was shown to have never completed a proper treatment of the home.
ServiceMaster, a pest control, restoration, and cleaning services provider, states that the Mobile area is especially infested with Formosan Termites, often referred to as “super termites.” According to pestworld.org, they have been called the most “voracious, aggressive and devious of over 2,000 termite species known.” They can chew through wood, flooring, and even wallpaper undetected.
If you have a termite infestation and paid for termite protection, call a lawyer. We may not be able to save your home but will fight to get you the money to build a new one.
If you suffer termite damage or suffer a personal injury, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We want to help you get back on your feet. We are working remotely mostly but are always available.
Also, join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30 right after the news. We will take your calls live. We are experimenting with new ways to do the show and still follow the CDC guidelines. You might want to see what we have come up with.
Alabama personal injury lawyer