

When you make the difficult decision to admit a loved to a nursing home, you do so with the assumption that he or she will receive excellent care from a dedicated staff of health care workers. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Family members of nursing home residents in Alabama should educate themselves on the warning signs of elder abuse to better protect their loved ones.

Loss of mobility

If your loved one has experienced a loss of mobility, this can be a warning sign of nursing home abuse. Nursing homes are supposed to have daily exercise options in place that ensure that your loved one maintains their ability to walk around, but there have been cases where those programs weren’t in place.

Decrease in personal hygiene

If you notice that your loved one appears dirty or has body odor when you visit them in the nursing home, you may have reason to believe that they are suffering from neglect. Nursing homes are legally obligated to provide proper hygiene to residents, including bathing those who are unable to bathe themselves. Pay attention to the personal hygiene of your loved one who is in the nursing home.

Sudden change in mood

The signs of abuse and neglect are not limited to bruises and abrasions. If your loved one is suddenly agitated, depressed or erratic in their behavior, they could be experiencing mistreatment in their nursing home. Emotional abuse is every bit as dangerous as physical abuse among the elderly.

If you have reason to believe that your loved one is experiencing any sort of nursing home abuse or neglect, you should contact an attorney. This attorney may review your loved one’s medical charts, past claims against the nursing home and any other relevant information pertaining to your claim.