Formosan Termites Ctsy: pestworld.org
Be warned: termites could be eating at your house. In fact, they could be eating — your house!
We have clients currently fighting these wood-hungry pests, and the damage could run into hundreds of thousands of dollars for each of them. To make matters worse, the pest control people the homeowners hired to protect the house seem to be of little help.
But there is some good news. Alabama law seems to be on the homeowner’s side. Our state laws don’t like when companies promise something and don’t deliver.
Here is my advice. Inspect your property immediately. Remember, termites do not like the light, so it would be best if you looked in those very dark places. Also, be careful since termites have a habit of eating from the inside out. Some people don’t know the bugs have infested until a wall collapses.
Here are some termite facts:
- You may think termites only destroy things in the spring. But the pests are active all year.
- Termites don’t sleep. They can be gnawing at your house 24 hours a day.
- Mobile and Baldwin County are some of the most termite active areas in the county.
- Formosan termites are very aggressive and thrive in our warm and wet environment.
If you have termites, you need to talk to a lawyer immediately. The money you need to make repairs may come from insurance companies or pest control companies. They will both fight — and fight hard — not to pay.
Many of our clients call us at the first sign of trouble. That is when we can move in and begin collecting the needed evidence.
Remember, termites destroy evidence. You can never call us too soon.
If you suffer a personal loss like termite damage or a personal injury like an auto accident, railroad accident, or slip and fall, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.
Also, join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile. We are live Saturday night at 6 during the Olympics and will take your calls. We are experimenting with new ways to do the show and still follow the CDC guidelines. You might want to see what we are doing.
Mobile Personal Injury Attorney