It's been estimated that about 5% of adults over the age of 65 live in nursing homes. It's scary to think that these nursing home residents account for 20% of the total deaths that result from a fall for those 65 years of age or older. Understanding the various causes...
Allen Ritchie
Don’t Give a Statement to the Insurance Company
After an accident, there are two rules in dealing with insurance companies. First – Don’t give a statement to the insurance company. Second - DON’T GIVE A STATEMENT TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY. That is a variation on an old Mel Brooks joke, but it is true … don’t...
Homeowners are responsible for their attractive nuisances
Alabama homeowners who are looking to increase the value of their property may add on various amenities. Unfortunately, some of these amenities may constitute an attractive nuisance and open the owner up to liability claims. Understanding what an attractive nuisance...
Road Trouble: Left-Turn Accidents in AL
If you are making a left-hand turn in Alabama, you are at the bottom of the who gets to move list. Generally, state law says no traffic can be coming, no pedestrian can be trying to cross the street, and there cannot be any signs restricting the turn. Put that...
Who pays if termites damage your home?
As a general rule, you are responsible for any damage that termites cause to your Alabama home. This is because your insurance company will likely consider a termite infestation to be a result of homeowner negligence. However, there are a couple of exceptions to that...
True: Less Driving, More Deaths on AL Roads
Alabamians are driving less, but there are more deaths on the road. How can that be? Distracted driving may be to blame. Accident researchers say drivers are seeing fewer cars on the road and may feel they can text or check their phones more safely. They...
Overview of motor vehicle accidents and traumatic brain injury
Every day in Alabama, people from all walks of life are injured and killed in motor vehicle accidents. In some instances, victims of motor vehicle accidents sustain what medically are known as traumatic brain injuries. What is a traumatic brain injury? A traumatic...
Motor vehicle accidents and traumatic brain injuries
Motor vehicle accidents are the cause of some of the most severe injuries sustained by women, men and children each and every day in Mobile, across Alabama and throughout the United States. These include traumatic brain injuries. Prevalence of traumatic brain injuries...
Wreck in a Friend’s Car. Who Pays?
Maybe because it is time for the Masters Golf Tournament or that people know Tiger Wood is alive and recovering, but the number one question I got this week was -- who is paying for Tiger's borrowed and smashed SUV? Well, here is how it goes in Alabama if you...
Person Dies in a Wreck. Can Hated Relatives Collect?
In Alabama, money received from a lawsuit after a person is killed does not go through the will. Instead, it goes in a state-established order as if the injured person died without a will. So, people expressly eliminated from the will could collect. That is...