It is summer, and the 4th of July is just around the corner. Fewer of us will be traveling this year, so the stay-cation has come to Alabama. If you are fortunate enough to have a pool, you are going to be a very popular neighbor this year. But having a “cement...
Allen Ritchie
The various ways drivers can be distracted
In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in accidents caused by distracted drivers as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). There are three types of distractions that a driver may face while traveling on a road or highway in Alabama....
If I Get COVID-19 At Work
Now that more people here and around Mobile are returning to work, they ask me over and over again - what will happen if I get the disease on the job? What they are really asking about is workers’ compensation. Workers’ comp is an insurance program that pays...
Rural roads carry unique risks for motor vehicle accidents
Drivers in Alabama are understandably worried about being in motor vehicle accidents when on the road. There is a general perception that these collisions happen on well-traveled roads and in cities. This is not always the case. Urban driving has its risks, but so too...
Injury Releases for Your Young Child Are Worthless in Alabama
Alabama says if you signed a pre-injury release for a young child, the child could still sue and possibly win. The reason – the legislature has determined that you can not sign away your child’s rights, and the boy or girl is too young to consent. If those forms lack...
Traffic Accidents, New Laws and a New Reality
I feel traffic accidents are on the increase. At least calls to our office about traffic accidents are up. Here is what I have learned -- people who have not driven in 3 months are a little shaky behind the wheel. Seriously, some people here in Mobile have not...
Older cars more often to blame in defect-related crashes
More people in Alabama and the rest of the U.S. are choosing to get the most out of their vehicles rather than buy new ones. This stands to reason as a car can last a good 15 years and run for up to 300,000 miles, assuming that it's well-maintained. The problem is...
Study suggests high caffeine use tied to high truck crash risk
Truck drivers work long hours and consequently have to contend with drowsiness. Many will rely on caffeinated beverages to stay awake, but it appears that there is a correlation between high levels of caffeinated beverage consumption and accidents. If someone you know...
How COVID-19 Could Prevent You from Getting Fired
The COVID-19 crisis could change if you can get fired. Here is a real situation. A grocery store worker in Maryland saw that some customers were not wearing masks; therefore, putting workers at the store in danger. He complained to management; he asked...
Customers, Masks & Alabama
The big question is: should Alabama businesses make customers wear masks? It is not a question with an easy answer. It puts “what is right” against “what is legal” and leaves most business owners with unclear guidance of what to do. Here is the legal problem:...