

Allen A. Ritchie

#1 Question to LawCall

  Every week we take your questions on TV through NBC 15 LawCall, calls to our office or through our website. What do people want to know? Is it how to get out of jail, how to get the money to get better after an accident, or perhaps how to fight their landlord?...

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That Tweet Could Cost You

  Can you be sued because of something you tweet or post on Facebook? You bet you can. And people all over the country are finding it out firsthand. Here is an example. A South Carolina restaurant in Myrtle Beach sued after a reviewer said she found a worm in her...

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Sally and Car Wrecks: Stay Home

  Please stay home, at least for much of today and perhaps this weekend. The lack of traffic lights is causing major pileups on Mobile streets. That plus flooding and storm damage are simply making it unsafe for many of our neighbors. From the calls I am getting,...

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A Car Wreck Is in Your Future

    Labor Day is traditionally one of the most dangerous driving holidays in Alabama. Seriously, it can be rough out there. If you have not noticed, the pandemic has changed a lot about being on the road. For example, a lot of people have not driven that...

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Termites? Get an Injury Lawyer.

  What do termites have to do with a personal injury lawyer? When termites start to eat your house often no one is physically injured, so I can understand the confusion. A friend saw our billboard about termite damage and asked how I got into the bug business....

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