Accident Diary We often talk about what to do after an accident. I want to talk about what to do before there is an accident. In a few words, get insurance. I see it every day. Some people want to get the very minimum, and they think that is saving money. It is …...
Allen A. Ritchie
How Important Is Seeing a Doctor After a Wreck?
Ticking Clock Your injury case needs medical proof. You just saying you are in pain is not as strong as an emergency room report. It has been my experience that a medically trained specialist has more impact on a jury or an insurance adjustor than a family physician....
Alabama, Termites and the Law
Termites Termites are a real problem in Mobile, AL, and surrounding areas. In fact, Terminix, the pest control company, has named Mobile as the number 1 termite infested city in the country. It is easy to see why so many of us buy termite protection. Here is the...
Safe Driving Cities: Mobile, AL. Really!
Kids And Drinking Hold on to your cell phone. You are driving along with some of the safest drivers in the nation. Now if you are going down I-10 at rush hour, you might not think so, but the Allstate America’s Best Driver’s Report® 2019 lists Mobile as the...
Explain: AL Boating Accidents
Boat Accident There are two main ways to get you money after a boating accident, but they both center around suing. First, you can negotiate with an insurance company, because the insurance folk want to prevent a lawsuit, or file a lawsuit and let a judge or jury...
Explain: How Lawyers Add Money to My Case
What is Personal Injury? A good lawyer is always looking to add money to your case. This mostly comes from knowing how insurance works … but not always. There is a statistic that is often cited stating people with an attorney tend to put more money in their pockets...
If a Little at Fault, You Can Not Collect in Alabama
Insurance won't Even if you are 1% to blame for a traffic accident, you cannot collect under Alabama law. This may sound harsh … and it is … since Alabama is only one of a handful of states that treat accidents like this. The legal term is Contributory Negligence....
All Those Medical Forms and the Law
Medical Why do you have to sign so many medical forms – even for a minor procedure? Do they really mean anything since no one seems to read them? The answer is … yes, they mean something. But they mean more to the doctor than to you. The reason? The forms are to...
No Drama Summer Trips
Distracted Driving Southerners like road trips. I mean we will pack up the kids and half the neighborhood at the first sign of summer. We even load up our dogs for a week at the beach. So here are a few tips I have learned from a few friends and a few of my legal...
Help Get Bigger Bucks for Your Injury
Accident Diary Your lawyer will do most of the heavy lifting in a personal injury claim. But you can lend a hand. Here are some suggestions to help you get the most money possible. Get Medical Treatment Your case centers around just how hurt you are. A lot of the...