

Allen A. Ritchie

All Those Medical Forms and the Law

Medical Why do you have to sign so many medical forms – even for a minor procedure? Do they really mean anything since no one seems to read them? The answer is … yes, they mean something. But they mean more to the doctor than to you.  The reason? The forms are to...

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No Drama Summer Trips

Distracted Driving Southerners like road trips. I mean we will pack up the kids and half the neighborhood at the first sign of summer. We even load up our dogs for a week at the beach. So here are a few tips I have learned from a few friends and a few of my legal...

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Ask a Lawyer for Free. Several Ways.

Law Helpline – 2016 Do you have a legal question you have always wanted to ask? Who gets grandma’s stuff is she dies without a will? Does the fruit from my neighbor’s tree, that hangs over my property, belong to me? Can I sue my boss if I get hurt on the job? Will the...

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Alabama Kids, Boating and Drinking

Boat Accident As we head into summer, please take a few minutes to talk to your kids about boat safety. I can see your eyes roll. I understand. I grew up in and around the water of Mobile and my eyes have rolled for decades as people tried to talk to me. However, as a...

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