Nursing Home Abuse Just as the technology exists to watch your baby 24/7, it also exists to watch grandma and grandpa. But is it legal? The Alabama laws are a bit unclear. It depends on where you are placing the camera and who has agreed to be taped. Speaking broadly,...
Allen A. Ritchie
Alabama Law: If You Wait, You Lose
Statue Of Limitations You do not have forever to file a lawsuit in Alabama. In most cases, the countdown clock begins the moment that an accident happens. In Alabama, you have 2 years to file a personal injury lawsuit. Let me say this again, you have 2 years. Let me...
Injured? If 1% At Fault, You Get Nothing in Alabama
Small Business Person If you have a personal injury case in Alabama, it can get nasty. Just how nasty? Say you walk into some stacked lumber at a local business and suffer severe head injuries. You argue that the lumber was dangerously placed. The business only has to...
3 Rules to Tell Your Kids Before a Wreck
Something has changed since you started driving. No, not GPS, not mandatory insurance, not even digital clocks. It is social networking. For your teens, it can be the most damaging part of their car wreck case. Here are my 3 rules. Easy and short since you can only...
Explain: Hurt Kids and Lawsuit Money in AL
Injury AT A Business Alabama law has stepped in to make sure money awarded to an injured child goes to help that child. In the past, stories of relatives spending a child’s money and leaving nothing for the child seemed common place. Today, there are safeguards to...
Alabama Law Can Stop Your Auto Accident Money
Ticking Clock Not only can the law stop you from suing and collecting… it has. This is how it works: generally if you are hurt in Alabama, you only have 2 years to file a lawsuit. After that, you are out of luck … permanently. This is why I preach –talk with a lawyer...
When Insurance Won’t Pay
Home Owners Insurance Here on the Gulf Coast we know what weather can do to property. What you might not know is that some insurance companies are quick to accept your premiums but very slow, if ever, to pay your damage claim. That is when you need a lawyer. There are...
Dog Bites Postal Worker No Joke
Dog Bites If you want to get your mail, make sure your dog doesn’t bite the mail carrier. This seems like common sense, but you may be surprised how often it still happens. Mobile is the second worst Alabama city for biting these federal employees with 5 in 2017. If...
Explain: Slip and Fall in Alabama
Slip And Fall We in Alabama do not have a lottery, and I have had people think that if they fall in a restaurant that is about the next best thing. It is not. Proving slip and fall cases can be some of the most complicated injury cases out there. Under Alabama law,...
Mobile, AL, Number 1 …. For Termites
Termites - Mobile If you see termites in Mobile, don’t be surprised. Terminix has ranked our city as Number 1 in a list of areas with termite problems. Really if you see termites, first call to get them removed, and then, call your lawyer. Termite protection...