

Allen A. Ritchie

The Insurance Stall, Get a Lawyer

Insurance Claims Why won’t the insurance company pay up? Why is my case taking so long? Where is my money? These are questions you can hear at Thanksgiving dinner, football Saturdays and even lawyers’ offices. The answer can be one of many reasons, but there is one I...

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See Termites? Call a Lawyer.

If you have a termite control company to treat your house and later find termites, get ready to call a lawyer. From our in-take file — an Alabama family paid the pest control people for termite protection and then found the nasty bugs eating their house. The pest...

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When Workers’ Comp is Not Enough

Work Related Car Accident If you are injured on the job and have been told that workers’ comp is the only money available, you might have been told wrong. I have had cases where I have been able to go after product manufacturers and even other people to get my clients...

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