

Allen A. Ritchie

Lawyers Saving Football

Let’s talk football. Here in Alabama we love our game, but nobody wants to see his or her child hurt or permanently disabled. Step in the lawyers. If it were not for the lawyers, the game would be more dangerous and more people would be sidelined. It is the threat of...

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Can I Sue If I Signed a Waiver?

Golf Course Injury If you signed a waiver of liability in Alabama, it is like giving your right to sue away. Depending on the wording of the release, you are assuming the risk for whatever happens to you. Say you are at the gym. If you signed a release that states you...

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What Should I Say to Police?

Defamation Let me give you some advice on what to say in a legal situation. Mostly, what do you say to police? Some of this is from my legal training but most is just being a good southern boy with a few years’ experience hanging around the legal system. First, say...

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You Can’t Say That. Really!

Defamation - Mobile, AL I see people clutching the First Amendment thinking they can say anything they want. Well, you can’t. This has become more of a problem with the explosion of social media. People will just comment on something whether they know anything about...

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Real Law and Fake People

Reasonable Personal Injury The law has invented people. This is why your grandma’s Last Will and Testament may assume she can still have children. The law has invented these non-existent people to keep the wheels of justice moving. There is usually a good reason why....

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