

Allen’s Answers

Will a Big Rig Hit Your Car?

  If you drive even a little around the Gulf, it is almost impossible to conceive that you have not seen a semi-tractor trailer in a wreck with a car. And it is almost never good for the car --- or the occupants. Here are the staggering figures: nearly half a...

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Help a Camp Lejeune Victim

  Do you know someone from Camp Lejeune? Are they suffering, perhaps from a mysterious illness? Step up and help them get to a lawyer. Contaminated water at the Marine Corp Base from 1953 to 1987 has caused thousands of people to suffer. Now, the federal...

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Soccer, Head Injury, Lawsuit

  Lawsuits are flying across soccer fields in our country. The reason – concussions and the possibility of long-term brain damage. It is a subject I have to keep up on. Some of my auto accident clients’ concussions are no different than what a professional...

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