Alabama Yea Alabama Christmas Lights We in Alabama like our Christmas lights. And we will fight our cousins or the local municipality to keep them shining brightly. But do you want the Griswold’s, the family in the movie Christmas Vacation, living next to you? People...
FACTS: A dry cleaner returned a pair of pants. The owner of the pants claimed they were not his pants. He sued for $67 million dollars. The biggest piece of evidence was a sign that hung in the dry cleaner’s window that stated, “Satisfaction Guaranteed.” It...
Seems you can walk anyway in LA but not in AL You can talk all you want about distracted driving and whether a walker or a driver has the right of way, but in Alabama there is one law that tops all of this. Unlike most states, Alabama has a contributory...
If a medical professional or business did you wrong, my strong advice is to start early if you want the best chance at getting a good result. It is tougher to win a medical malpractice case in Alabama than most any other state in the nation. In fact, it is often...
You are engaged. You break up. Who gets the ring? It is a typical lawyer question. I, too, have gotten it … several times. The main arguments are: it is a gift, so the former bride keeps it, OR it is given as a condition of getting married and since there is no...
What is Personal Injury? Back-up cameras are now required in all new cars. This federal law is being highlighted as paving the way to driverless cars, but I think it is a huge improvement in keeping you safe. Back-up accidents are amazingly common. This might shock...
Whiplash-Mobile If you have a car or truck accident, go get yourself checked out. I can not tell you how many clients have told me that they did not feel too bad after an accident, and then weeks or months later they are in severe pain. Now I have a law license and...
Defamation - Mobile Did you argue with the relatives this 4th of July? This is America where we speak our minds … sometimes too often. Now someone called you a bad name, stated you were mentally unstable or even questioned your birthright, that is what the law calls...
Deciding the law is not often easy. Take a moment and you be the judge. How would you rule? THE CASE Mom takes her 5-year-old son to a public building that has an art exhibit. All the art work seems to be protected, but apparently at least one piece is not. It is a...