Are you seeing more angry drivers than before the pandemic? Do you hear more honking horns? Notice less courtesy as you try to change lanes? Instances of road rage are being spotted all over the country. Some with disastrous results. The fear of facing an angry...
Allen Ritchie
Study finds teen and older drivers less likely to own safe cars
New cars and trucks have advanced safety technologies that protect drivers in Alabama and across the U.S. better than ever before. However, according to a new study, teen drivers and older drivers are less likely to own vehicles that have these safety features,...
A Car Wreck Is in Your Future
Labor Day is traditionally one of the most dangerous driving holidays in Alabama. Seriously, it can be rough out there. If you have not noticed, the pandemic has changed a lot about being on the road. For example, a lot of people have not driven that...
What to know about ear cancer in Alabama
Only around 300 Americans are diagnosed with this condition each year. Compared to breast cancer, which sees some 250,000 new cases every year, it is exceedingly rare, and this is what leads to it being frequently misdiagnosed. If a person has been the victim of a...
Advanced safety systems reduce number, severity of truck crashes
Technology on the road has been a primary topic in road safety discussions for years. Technologies like smartphones lead to increases in distracted driving and crashes while technologies like advanced driver assistance systems and automatic emergency braking make...
Termites? Get an Injury Lawyer.
What do termites have to do with a personal injury lawyer? When termites start to eat your house often no one is physically injured, so I can understand the confusion. A friend saw our billboard about termite damage and asked how I got into the bug business....
Truck Wreck: Get a Lawyer Who Can Get the Black Box
If you are hurt by an 18-wheeler rig, you need a lawyer who understands this very specific type of law. Take this for example. Did you know that most tractor-trailers have a black box very similar to what is inside an airplane? These boxes have been...
Baldwin Co.: You Could Be on a Jury … Again
Some residents of Baldwin Co. will receive a jury summons as early as next week. As one judge put it, “It is imperative that the wheels of justice continue to move, however slowly.“ An entirely new jury selection system is being developed because of the...
COVID Trouble: No Jury for You?
Jury trials in Alabama are backed up. I mean really backed up. Criminal lawyers want to get their clients out of jail. Injury lawyers want to make insurance companies pay up. Both need a jury. However, old southern courtrooms are not designed for social...
Drowsy driving: a widespread and dangerous trend
Every year, there are approximately 328,000 car accidents due to drowsy driving according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Of these, 109,000 involve injuries, and 6,400 end in one or more fatalities. Drivers in Alabama should know just how dangerous it is to...