

Allen Ritchie

Car accident fatalities are increasing

While the number of crashes on Alabama highways has not risen significantly in the past several years, the number of fatal crashes has increased. In a two-year period, the total number of people killed in car accidents has risen 13%, and people are understandably...

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AL Lawyer Ads. Is Change Coming?

  Are some of the lawyer ads you see misleading? Well, some Alabama lawyers think so, and they want to change that. The Alabama Bar is putting some muscle into tightening the rules that govern lawyer ads. Here are some of the things being considered: No actors...

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Jury Duty and COVID-19

  You will not receive a jury summons in Mobile County this May or June and probably July. The reason: there are not going to be any local jury trials for the next few months. One of the new realities of COVID-19 is social distancing, and courtrooms were not made...

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