While the number of crashes on Alabama highways has not risen significantly in the past several years, the number of fatal crashes has increased. In a two-year period, the total number of people killed in car accidents has risen 13%, and people are understandably...
Allen Ritchie
AL Lawyer Ads. Is Change Coming?
Are some of the lawyer ads you see misleading? Well, some Alabama lawyers think so, and they want to change that. The Alabama Bar is putting some muscle into tightening the rules that govern lawyer ads. Here are some of the things being considered: No actors...
Distractions and highway work zones, a risky combination
Alabama residents may or may not be surprised to hear that there is a crash in a highway work zone every 5.4 minutes in the U.S. These zones, with their narrow lanes and drivers speeding through them, are obviously dangerous places. However, there's another factor...
Jury Duty and COVID-19
You will not receive a jury summons in Mobile County this May or June and probably July. The reason: there are not going to be any local jury trials for the next few months. One of the new realities of COVID-19 is social distancing, and courtrooms were not made...
You Go Out. You Get COVID-19. Can You Sue?
My number one question this week: Can I sue a business I visited if I get Coronavirus? Most folks want to know who would pay their potentially enormous medical bills. Here is my legal explanation. If you go out, even if you wear a mask and stay 6 feet from...
Families file wrongful death claims over Kobe Bryant crash
Alabama readers may have heard the news that NBA legend Kobe Bryant and eight others perished in a helicopter crash in late January. Now, the families of four passengers killed in the accident are suing the companies that owned and operated the doomed aircraft. On...
Injured – But Afraid to Go to the E.R. Can I Still Sue?
I got a call this week from a person who was rear-ended and wanted to know if he had a case. He said he was suffering pain but was afraid to go to the emergency room. He feared catching the COVID-19 virus and, therefore, was trying to treat himself at home. I...
Judge Tells Lawyers to Wear Clothes When Video Conferencing
Do you video call? Did you do it before the coronavirus attack? Well, many lawyers did not, and they are having some trouble adjusting to the new freedom. To keep our social distance, we now video call into the courtroom, video conference to take depositions...
Teen drivers more likely to crash with a peer in the car
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that if teen drivers invite even a single peer as a passenger into their car, they raise their risk for an accident by 44%. Parents in Alabama should be aware that their newly licensed teens are inexperienced and so more...
You Can Not Legally Cover Your Face in Alabama … But Do It Anyway
Let me give you a little bit of Alabama law history to argue about while confined. Here we go. It is generally illegal in our state to cover your face in public. I say generally because Mobile altered the law; so that, you guessed it, we could wear masks during...