

Allen Ritchie

Injured and I Want Fast Money

  If you are injured and want your money fast, settle with the wrongdoer’s insurance company. But, there is a price to pay. If you settle quickly, you are probably getting less than you could. That’s right. A quick settlement almost always means you got pennies...

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Ask Your Legal Questions Live!

Join us live on Sunday, January 5, 2020. Football season is about over, and it is time to return to the 30-minute long legal call-in show, NBC 15 LawCall, here in Mobile, AL. As it has been for roughly a decade, the show is on at 10:30 Sunday nights right after the...

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Christmas in Alabama

  A Drone Before Christmas - Alabama's Christmas Lights 2015 Courtesy: SkyBama.com Alabama loves Christmas. In fact, we were the first state to legally recognize the holiday … even before the country did. In 1836, our state made it a holiday. The federal...

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When Tragedy Hits

  The tragedy of the Pensacola shooting will touch us all. How could it not? For decades, I have seen what the horrible news of a tragedy does to those remaining — both those directly touched by the incident and those sympathetic to the tragedy. Here is a little...

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