There are real people on real Mobile streets who have been stopped and fined for holding a phone while driving. Why? It is against the law. The state-wide ban began in 2023, but it was not until this year that police and state troopers began the search for...
Allen Ritchie
Halloween Safety for Your Kids from a Guy Who Knows Trouble
Question: My grandson is coming to spend Halloween week with me. It's been 40 years since I took a little one out for trick or treat. Any legal changes over that time? JASON: Halloween is one of my favorite holidays – especially shared with a young child. But...
Hit By a Drunk Driver. Do I Get More?
It depends on several factors, but the answer may be yes. I'll get to why in a moment. One of my greatest joys is being able to help Mobile area people injured by the negligence of drunk drivers. This type of accident really angers me. It is truly a type of accident...
Crash. Report or drive away? Do you know the Alabama law?
Question: My sister hit a guy's car on Government Street here in Mobile. She gave him her number and then left. Has she broken the law? JASON: She may not have been required to call the police. But she should have. In Alabama, you don't have to call 911 if the car...
Do You Want Alabama to Decide Who Gets Your Stuff?
You dead yet? Well, Alabama is waiting around like in a movie scene where they read the will … except you don't have a will. Know what happens? The state of Alabama has written one for you, and you might not like what it says. Really, you think the Alabama legislature...
Alabama Law and Your Kid Being Hurt Playing Sports
Question: If my kid is hurt playing football, what can I do under Alabama law? JASON: Alabama loves its football. OK, that's not the most shocking statement I have ever made. But here is what might surprise you. Alabama is at the forefront of protecting children in...
AL’s Safety Rails May Not Hold Back Electric Cars
Those highway safety rails you see across the Mobile area may be worthless if you have an electric car. What did you say? Here is the shocking part: Electric cars would seem to be lighter since they do not have an engine. In reality, they are heavier—maybe thousands...
What Alabama car insurance should I buy? Is cheap the way to go?
Question: You know Alabama insurance companies. Which insurance should I get? JASON: Here is the irony. The insurance company that is most important to you is usually not the one you send payments to. The real question is: What insurance company does the person who...
Learn These 5 Things About Alabama Car Insurance BEFORE Your Next Wreck
Let me share some of what I know about car insurance. You learn a lot when dealing with car wrecks in and around Mobile on a daily basis. Here we go, 5 things that might surprise you. Insurance goes with the car, but not if the driver lives with you. If you loan your...
Can I have PTSD after a car wreck? Can I collect?
Question: My sister had a bad car wreck earlier this year. As I see her this Labor Day, anything I should look for? JASON: Do this. Check if she suffers from PTSD. Just like so many of our veterans, a traumatic event, like war or a car wreck, can cause deep emotional...