Question: I loaned my car to a friend. In a wreck, do I have to pay? JASON: It might surprise you, but the state of Alabama says you have given a dangerous instrument to another person. Therefore, you can be held responsible if something terrible happens. This is no...
Allen Ritchie
Your Accident on the 4th. Now What?
First and foremost, if you were injured during the 4th of July holiday, it's crucial that you seek immediate medical care. Your health and well-being should be your top priority. Plus, documenting your care is essential to successfully getting you the money you...
Holiday Car Wreck? Know Alabama Laws.
Question: Car wreck trouble over the 4th in western Mobile, AL. Now What? JASON: Here are 4 crucial laws you must understand. They are Alabama law and could significantly impact your case. Number 1. We are an at-fault state. This means if you caused the accident, you...
The 4th in Mobile: Pet Panic
This may shock you. It makes sense, but it is still shocking: More pets are lost during the 4th of July holiday than at any other time of the year. The problem (I believe): Fido does not like fireworks. I have two pieces of advice and a little bit on the law. First...
In Alabama, You Can Sue a Nursing Home
Question: Can You Sue an AL Nursing Home? JASON: Yes, Yes, and YES. We at Steele Ritchie take the care of Alabama seniors very seriously. Few things anger me more than the abuse or neglect of people who cannot fight for themselves. Let me first discuss those...
Mobile, AL – Why is Insurance Fighting My Accident Claim?
Days of filing your claim and getting your money may be over. If those days ever existed. Here is what is happening with the insurance industry and how it impacts you. The theory of insurance is that we all pool our money, and then if one of us gets into trouble...
Camp Lejeune Final Deadline Fast Approaching
Question: Camp Lejeune. Is there a deadline? Jason: Yes, in roughly TWO MONTHS. So, do not wait to make a Camp Lejeune claim. Let me repeat - do NOT wait. you only have until August 10th of this year. If you know someone hurt by the contaminated water at Camp...
Mobile, Alabama Boating: Deep Legal Waters
Boating accidents seem to be on people's minds around here, and summer has just started. My partner Jason Steele and I have seen an increase in calls to the office. Here is what we see and what you need to know. BWI (boating under the influence) is a real thing. We...
Boats and Alabama Law
Question: I’m back to the water. Update, please, on boats and Alabama law? JASON: Here in Mobile, we love the water. But it is not without danger. Let me talk a little about boating accidents. We have 4 different areas of water around here … lakes, rivers, the Bay,...
AL Safety: Should I Stay Home This Holiday?
Summertime. Summertime. Summertime. Perfect for fun and death on the road. Not quite the optimistic message you were hoping for? As the temperature rises, so does my accident caseload. My observation is reinforced by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. While I...