

Allen A. Ritchie

COVID Trouble: No Jury for You?

  Jury trials in Alabama are backed up. I mean really backed up. Criminal lawyers want to get their clients out of jail. Injury lawyers want to make insurance companies pay up. Both need a jury. However, old southern courtrooms are not designed for social...

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Injured? Save the Evidence.

  If a product malfunctions and you get hurt, do not throw away the thing that hurt you. This may sound like a no brainer, but I am telling you this because I have seen it happen. Here is an example: a homeowner was climbing a ladder and the ladder rail came...

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Don’t Get Sued Over Your Pool

  It is summer, and the 4th of July is just around the corner. Fewer of us will be traveling this year, so the stay-cation has come to Alabama. If you are fortunate enough to have a pool, you are going to be a very popular neighbor this year. But having a “cement...

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If I Get COVID-19 At Work

  Now that more people here and around Mobile are returning to work, they ask me over and over again - what will happen if I get the disease on the job? What they are really asking about is workers’ compensation. Workers’ comp is an insurance program that pays...

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