Some residents of Baldwin Co. will receive a jury summons as early as next week. As one judge put it, “It is imperative that the wheels of justice continue to move, however slowly.“ An entirely new jury selection system is being developed because of the...
Allen A. Ritchie
COVID Trouble: No Jury for You?
Jury trials in Alabama are backed up. I mean really backed up. Criminal lawyers want to get their clients out of jail. Injury lawyers want to make insurance companies pay up. Both need a jury. However, old southern courtrooms are not designed for social...
Injured? Save the Evidence.
If a product malfunctions and you get hurt, do not throw away the thing that hurt you. This may sound like a no brainer, but I am telling you this because I have seen it happen. Here is an example: a homeowner was climbing a ladder and the ladder rail came...
Termites: When the Bug Pro Does You Wrong
Termite claims in and around Mobile, AL, can teach you a lot. First, the bug companies don’t always treat the bugs, and second, the bug companies don’t always treat the customer … right. According to Terminix, Mobile is the number one most termite-infested...
Documents You Need for a Good Life and Beyond
It pains me for teachers to contemplate that going back to school could kill them. But some do, and some of those are here in South Alabama. I was asked about the legal documents someone who is going back to work should consider, and though I find this very...
Nursing Homes, COVID-19 and Med Malpractice
Your father is in a nursing home, and the facility won’t let you see him. You fear he is mistreated. Is it a lawsuit? This is a very difficult question, but one I am being asked more and more. Here is the problem that people in Mobile and surrounding areas have...
In Your Face: Masks & Mobile, AL, Law
The legal fight is on. I have to be frank with you. I didn’t expect this outcry over mandatory masks. I have seen laws come, and I have seen them go. So, don’t be surprised to see the law changed. However, here is where we stand as of the beginning of July...
Don’t Get Sued Over Your Pool
It is summer, and the 4th of July is just around the corner. Fewer of us will be traveling this year, so the stay-cation has come to Alabama. If you are fortunate enough to have a pool, you are going to be a very popular neighbor this year. But having a “cement...
If I Get COVID-19 At Work
Now that more people here and around Mobile are returning to work, they ask me over and over again - what will happen if I get the disease on the job? What they are really asking about is workers’ compensation. Workers’ comp is an insurance program that pays...
Injury Releases for Your Young Child Are Worthless in Alabama
Alabama says if you signed a pre-injury release for a young child, the child could still sue and possibly win. The reason – the legislature has determined that you can not sign away your child’s rights, and the boy or girl is too young to consent. If those forms lack...