

Allen A. Ritchie

Hit by a Drunk Teenager in Alabama?

Kids and Drinking If you are hit in a traffic accident by a teenager who has been drinking, you will need a lawyer. Period. Everyone will be pointing fingers and blaming others; plus, it can be a very complicated case. Here is the shocker — you will probably get the...

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It’s the Law: Alabama Boating

Boat Accident-Mobile There is a lot of water around Mobile. We like to get on it, in it and under it. So why is something that gives us so much joy causing so much grief? I help injured people, and here is the news that might shock you: Alabama is predicted to have...

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Ask Your Legal Questions Live!

Ask Your Legal Questions Join us live on Sunday, January 6, 2019. Football season is about over, and it is time to return to the 30-minute long legal call-in show, NBC 15 LawCall, here in Mobile, AL. As it has been for roughly a decade, the show is on at 10:30 Sunday...

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