Getting into an auto accident can be a scary event, considering over 3 million accidents happen annually. Statistics from insurance providers show that drivers make one claim every 17.9 years on average, so you'll need to know how the claims process works. You must...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Fatal accidents surged in 2020
In Alabama and across the United States, 2020 saw fewer people on the road. At first glance, this might be expected to lead to fewer auto accidents with injuries and fatalities. However, a report says that this is not the case. Fatality statistics yield surprising...
Tips for avoiding head-on collisions
While head-on collisions are not the most common type of traffic accidents, they can cause catastrophic injuries or death. Alabama drivers can take precautions to reduce the risk of being involved in this kind of accident. Why head-on collisions happen Head-on...
The dangers of distracted driving
Distracted driving is a contributing factor to many auto accidents in Alabama. Distractions when driving takes away the driver's attention, making them miss cues or objects that could cause accidents. Apart from the passengers in the car, distracted driving also...
Keeping your teen safe during the 100 deadliest days of summer
From Memorial Day to Labor Day, more teenage drivers die in car accidents than during any other time of the year. Although the fact that teens in Alabama are not in school and behind the wheel more often may be partially to blame, many of the accidents can be...
Texting Trucker — Blind for Length of a Football Field
Ever seen a trucker with a handheld phone? That trucker is breaking the law and putting your life in danger. According to the federal government, the texting driver of an 18-wheeler is taking his or her eyes off the road and traveling the length of a football...
Overview of motor vehicle accidents and traumatic brain injury
Every day in Alabama, people from all walks of life are injured and killed in motor vehicle accidents. In some instances, victims of motor vehicle accidents sustain what medically are known as traumatic brain injuries. What is a traumatic brain injury? A traumatic...
Motor vehicle accidents and traumatic brain injuries
Motor vehicle accidents are the cause of some of the most severe injuries sustained by women, men and children each and every day in Mobile, across Alabama and throughout the United States. These include traumatic brain injuries. Prevalence of traumatic brain injuries...
Wreck in a Friend’s Car. Who Pays?
Maybe because it is time for the Masters Golf Tournament or that people know Tiger Wood is alive and recovering, but the number one question I got this week was -- who is paying for Tiger's borrowed and smashed SUV? Well, here is how it goes in Alabama if you...
How to Win an Accident Case in Alabama — Even If You Are at Fault
I have often said that you cannot collect on a car wreck case in Alabama if you are even 1% at fault. I have also stressed that you need a good lawyer because our state has this law. Now, I will tell you an exception that could let you collect damages (medical...