Hospitals can and do sue injured patients over unpaid medical bills. Here is what might shock you. Alabama law states that a hospital or emergency room provider can put a lien on any patient’s injury case judgment or settlement. In short, that means the health...
Slip and fall is a silly-sounding name for a serious situation. These dangerous accidents can be caused by wet surfaces, uneven carpeting, insufficient lighting, loose handrails, and so much more. The injuries can result in months, if not years, of recovery. My...
If you work on the rails, you are in one of the most dangerous professions in America. And this might surprise you – federal law and not state law can govern how much money you get for your injuries. Here is what you need to know: The Federal Employers...
Imagine that your child is seriously injured. How do you get the money to pay all those medical bills? What about your lost wages and emotional distress? Since a child cannot enter a contract to hire a lawyer or approve an insurance...
When a physician’s misdiagnosis leads to a wrong treatment or no treatment at all, a patient will not get well, and may even die. Still there may not be grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. Generally, you must prove three things to...
Many car accidents are considered minor, and you may not feel you were injured other than the damage to your automobile. However, sometimes the adrenaline that accompanies such accidents can mask, for a short time anyway, minor injuries you may suffer. You may...
It is summer; it is the Olympics. Let’s party! You can root on Team USA, but if there is alcohol involved, Alabama will hold someone responsible. It just may be you. Here are some of the rules for hosting a party with alcohol in our state. UNDERAGE Minors...
No matter what type of termite protection you think you have - even if you physically see termites or termite damage – my experience tells me that chances are your claim will be denied. Yes, you can see beams falling into your living room, and the bug company,...
There are several reasons why settling a personal injury case can take months, if not years. But there is one big reason; we call it “maximum medical improvement.” Maximum medical improvement is when you have recovered from your injures, and you are as good as...
You might think that the 4th of July holiday would see burns from fireworks. And it does. But you want to know the number one cause of Independence Day burns? It is your backyard grill. And you want to know the number one item that contributes to burns? It is...