

Allen’s Answers

Ask Your Legal Questions Live!

  Join us live on Sunday, January 17, 2021. Football season is over (Roll, Tide), and it is time to return to our 30-minute legal call-in format for NBC 15 LawCall, here in Mobile, AL. As it has been for roughly a decade, the show is on at 10:30 Sunday nights,...

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Should I Handle My Own Injury Case?

  One of the questions I get most often is, “Can I just handle my case myself?” Well, you can. But you shouldn’t. Now, it is true that I have been known to tell potential clients that the offer an insurance company has presented them is fair. In that case, they...

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Avoid That AL Trooper Ticket

  Because of less traffic but the same number of troopers on the road this Christmas and New Year’s, my prediction is you will see more tickets being given for what are considered minor infractions. So, to keep you safe and ticket free, here are some reminders of...

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Is COVID Keeping You from Suing?

The pandemic is frightening many Gulf Coast people from trying to collect the money owed them after being hurt at a business or someone’s home. These concerns have hit a particular type of injury law -- what we call “slip and fall.” Some examples are when a person...

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Termites, Storm Damage & Fraud

  The storm damage we have seen in and around Mobile can expose a major home problem – rotting wood that has been literally hollowed out by termites. The problem is so severe that reportedly some pest control companies have been rushing out to treat homes in the...

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