In Alabama, you may soon have the right to hold a gun but not the right to hold a phone. That is the concern of some people to a proposed new distracted driving prevention bill before the legislature. Here is the problem: the number of distracted driving accidents has...
If you are a passenger in Alabama and get into a car wreck, you had better hope the other car is at fault. The reason: you generally cannot sue the driver of the vehicle you are in. Sound insane? You bet. Alabama is the only state with such a strict passenger law. The...
There are laws in our state to keep construction workers safe. But some companies will cut safety to increase profits. Here is my experience – don’t think the company is out to help you. The company is out to help the company. Additionally, some businesses have...
Join us live on Sunday, January 22, 2023. Football season is over (Hey, there is always next year.), and it is time to return to our 30-minute legal call-in format for NBC 15 LawCall, here in Mobile, AL. As it has been for roughly a decade, the show is on at 10:30...
A friend’s teenage daughter just got her driving license. Her father asked me to speak with her – I would imagine thinking I would tell some horrific driving accident details from my case file --- and I have those. But instead, I told her of the 4 overlooked...
It is all ho, ho, ho until someone gets hurt. Prepare now, so your Christmas celebration is not spent in the ER. Here are 4 things we are seeing this year. Distracted Drivers Disasters You know about Alabamians who text and drive. Numbers are up. But it is...
You need a local lawyer for a Camp Lejeune settlement, and here is why. This month, the government released the number of claimants so far --- 14,000, which could double in the next few months. Add to this, 2 billion dollars is up for grabs (that is with a...
Courtesy: YouTube Last week, I praised the deep-fried turkey and suggested that burning down the house was not a great Thanksgiving tradition. So, what have we learned from these great pieces of wisdom? Not much, apparently. As an example, a thoughtful reader sent...
It all seems fun in the movies, but what happens in real life? What will your homeowner’s insurance pay, and what will it not? A squirrel jumps out of your Christmas tree and damages your living room. Pay? No. Most homeowners’ policies do not cover rodent...
Alabama man at Thanksgiving. What could go wrong? A deep-fried turkey is just plain good. I mean, it beats your grandma’s baked version. But Granny lived to be in her 90s, and a deep-fried turkey could end your life this coming Thursday. Think I’m kidding? Each year...