I have often said that you cannot collect on a car wreck case in Alabama if you are even 1% at fault. I have also stressed that you need a good lawyer because our state has this law. Now, I will tell you an exception that could let you collect damages (medical...
Allen Ritchie
Premises liability and property own responsibility for injuries
The doctrine of premises liability is the legal principle in Alabama that establishes the responsibility of a property owner when someone is injured at the location. There are a number of factors that come into play in regard to establishing the responsibility of a...
What Is My Car Wreck Worth?
I know why you ask, “What is my case worth?” I would ask the same, and I wish there were an easy answer. But there isn’t. The value of a case depends on many, many, many different elements. After a lengthy investigation, I can usually give you an idea, but...
Fall. Injured. Sue.
Falling is not natural. I don't know why people think it is. If you fall, there is a reason, and often it is because someone did not do what they were supposed to do. This is when a lawsuit comes into play. Don't be afraid of suing. To get your medical bills...
Do you need a termite bond?
If you live in Mobile, Alabama, there's a good chance that you'll have to get your house treated for termites at least once. When you buy a new house, you can check to see if the house comes with a termite bond. You could also buy your own termite bond after you move...
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and AL Law
If you rent and have suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, can you sue your landlord? The answer, in most instances, is yes. In Alabama, this type of case falls under premises liability law, and you will most likely go after the landowner’s insurance...
Can My Boss Make Me Get the COVID Shot?
Sometimes I have to advise my clients on not what is legal but what is practical. Here is the real question you want to ask yourself -- Am I willing to lose my job over not taking this shot? I won’t take a stand on whether you should have the vaccine or not,...
Compensation for wrongful nursing home deaths
When families in Alabama entrust their loved ones to a nursing home, they expect that they'll be cared for. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. There are times when people in nursing homes are neglected and mistreated. The number of people in nursing homes is...
Can I Reopen My Settled Personal Injury Case?
Wanting to reopen a personal injury case usually comes when the injured person needs additional medical treatment. Sadly, here is the answer I generally must give – once you sign a settlement with an insurance company, that is it forever. Now there are some...
Terminix Settlement with State of Alabama Could Cost Mobile and Baldwin Residents Big Money
Signing the Alabama-brokered Terminix Settlement Agreement could cost you tens of thousands of dollars. Internal Terminix documents acknowledge the company is aware that wronged customers usually receive much more money for their claims when represented by an...