

Allen Ritchie

What Is My Car Wreck Worth?

  I know why you ask, “What is my case worth?” I would ask the same, and I wish there were an easy answer. But there isn’t. The value of a case depends on many, many, many different elements. After a lengthy investigation, I can usually give you an idea, but...

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Fall. Injured. Sue.

  Falling is not natural. I don't know why people think it is. If you fall, there is a reason, and often it is because someone did not do what they were supposed to do. This is when a lawsuit comes into play. Don't be afraid of suing. To get your medical bills...

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Do you need a termite bond?

If you live in Mobile, Alabama, there's a good chance that you'll have to get your house treated for termites at least once. When you buy a new house, you can check to see if the house comes with a termite bond. You could also buy your own termite bond after you move...

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