Here, in short, is what my clients, friends, and relatives seem to want to know while we fight the coronavirus. Will my insurance company pay for my coronavirus test? Yes. A new law now requires insurance companies to pay for the tests with no cost to you. This...
Allen A. Ritchie
How a Lawyer Can Lower Your Medical Bills
You may have heard this story out of Dothan. An uninsured woman is charged more than $50,000 for a procedure that usually costs an insured person about $6,000. Plus, this Dothan woman had been paying on the bill each month for 3 years. Then the lawyers stepped...
Man Shot and Killed After Hit and Run Chase in Mobile
It is a tragedy that probably could have been fixed with a few thousand dollars and a good body shop. Instead, one man is dead and another faces murder charges. You have heard of this type of story before … not just that often here in Mobile, AL. Earlier this...
Why Am I Always Getting Carded in Alabama?
A friend, now in his 60s, asked me why he must show his driver’s license to buy an alcoholic beverage in Alabama. Let me do some lawyersplaining. First, the server might think he looks under 21. Unlikely, but it could happen. In Alabama, you cannot sell (or...
In Alabama, Jury Can’t Know About Auto Insurance
Here is the shocking thing – In Alabama, a jury can learn about medical insurance but can not learn about auto insurance. What? It is true. Under Alabama law, you can not mention or even imply that auto insurance will pay for a verdict. If a lawyer even...
Injured and I Want Fast Money
If you are injured and want your money fast, settle with the wrongdoer’s insurance company. But, there is a price to pay. If you settle quickly, you are probably getting less than you could. That’s right. A quick settlement almost always means you got pennies...
Change in AL Law: Less Incentive to Have Car Insurance. Really.
Eastbound I-10 Tunnel – Mobile, AL Courtesy: YouTube This may shock you. It did me. A new 2020 law in Alabama helps uninsured motorists and, indirectly, hurts anyone hit by them. Here is what the state has done. It has changed what happens if you are caught driving...
Ask Your Legal Questions Live!
Join us live on Sunday, January 5, 2020. Football season is about over, and it is time to return to the 30-minute long legal call-in show, NBC 15 LawCall, here in Mobile, AL. As it has been for roughly a decade, the show is on at 10:30 Sunday nights right after the...
The Law and Hosting a Holiday Party in Alabama
If you are thinking of spiking that eggnog, here is what you need to know. Don’t serve anyone under 21. Alabama is firm that you cannot legally serve alcohol to anyone under 21 years old. That means even if his or her parents say it is ok, even if it is for religious...
Christmas and Parking Lot Accidents
Ah, time to rush around with last minute Christmas buying. Until, you hit another car in an Alabama parking lot. Two Main Questions Here are the two questions I get most: will my insurance cover it and what is up with a shopping mall parking lot being private...