We love Mardi Gras in Mobile. I mean, WE LOVE MARDI GRAS IN MOBILE. Though the police seem to be more forgiving this time of year, there are some laws you are best to follow. Accept the Danger of Flying Moon Pies. If you get hit with a pastry that is shaped like a...
Pass this around to your family and friends. They will need it when the time comes. I suggest you mentally practice these so that they become routine. Here we go. In an accident, admit nothing. If you are even 1% at fault in Alabama, you will collect nothing. Do not...
Dead is “dead and forgotten” in Alabama. At least, that is the way it seems. Here is the reason why. In other states, the family of a person killed in, say, an auto accident can sue for the money that person would have contributed to the family income. Some examples...
Hit by another driver? Want your fair share of the available insurance money? To help in that, you need a "crash" course in Alabama auto wrecks. First, this might shock you, but every year, Alabamians receive about $4 billion in compensation for traffic accidents....
Here is the shocking truth: 75% of pedestrian deaths are at night. You need to know this fact because, one, you do not want to be hit, and two, you do not want to hit anyone else. Even more shocking is that this number of nighttime accidents does not happen in other...
If you drive at night, you are more likely to die at night. And I mean much more likely. Another study showing the increased danger of night driving has come to my attention. Not because there are significant traffic deaths after dark; we knew that, but...
Behave badly in a boat? You now have a better chance of seeing the inside of an Alabama jail. Boating Changes Starting January 1, our state will treat boating incidents more like car and truck accidents. Here is an example: reckless boating, which was a misdemeanor,...
I like to laugh. It is just the ho, ho, ho of the season that gives me great joy. And it seems other lawyers think the same. One of my favorite seasonal favorites is reading the legalized version of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. First, a section of the...
Here is the shocking news I discovered this week. Alabama is rated 50th in Christmas spirit. Thank God for Washington, D.C., it was 51st. I am not sure GetCenturyLink.com has it right, but I have seen a dip in Christmas support here in the Bay area. There seems to be...
In Alabama, we generally don’t like being told what to do, but we also do not like to be in a traffic accident while driving to the beach. This reality may be why we are in the middle of the national ranking for safe roads. Mississippi and Georgia are right...