

Allen Ritchie

Factors in a motor vehicle accident

Almost every driver in Alabama will be involved in an accident at some point in their lives. Luckily, most of these accidents are nothing more than fender-benders. If one small sedan is rear-ending another at 10 mph when trying to come to a stop, it's unlikely that...

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Is COVID Keeping You from Suing?

The pandemic is frightening many Gulf Coast people from trying to collect the money owed them after being hurt at a business or someone’s home. These concerns have hit a particular type of injury law -- what we call “slip and fall.” Some examples are when a person...

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Fatality trends involving large trucks

Many motorists in Alabama get nervous when they travel alongside commercial big rigs. Considering these large trucks can weigh roughly 20 to 30 times as much as a passenger vehicle, this is understandable. Most fatalities in crashes involving large trucks are from...

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Termites, Storm Damage & Fraud

  The storm damage we have seen in and around Mobile can expose a major home problem – rotting wood that has been literally hollowed out by termites. The problem is so severe that reportedly some pest control companies have been rushing out to treat homes in the...

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